OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 91922
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Michael White
Contact Date: 09/25/2013
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: TC Alert DETAILS: System received a TC alert on 9/25. Left the following message for Mike via email: take your repeat samples (and remember, 1 must be a raw sample from the well head itself labeled as “trigger” or TG on the form). I can’t remember the system out there as it has been a few years for me, but if you are using a chlorinator you must take 4 repeat samples and 1 raw sample (5 total). If no chlorinator take 3 repeat samples and 1 raw sample at the well. 1 of the repeat samples must be from the same location of the original test.I will be back tomorrow and can get with you then if need be…..if you take the repeat tests and they come back bad we will go from there, but hopefully it is just a bad sample. Let me know you got this email, thanks.His reply: I got your email. I will give you a call if anything comes up Erik has taken repeat sample we are waiting for results. ACTION NEEDED: System received a TC alert on 9/25. Left the following message for Mike via email: take your repeat samples (and remember, 1 must be a raw sample from the well head itself labeled as “trigger” or TG on the form). I can’t remember the system out there as it has been a few years for me, but if you are using a chlorinator you must take 4 repeat samples and 1 raw sample (5 total). If no chlorinator take 3 repeat samples and 1 raw sample at the well. 1 of the repeat samples must be from the same location of the original test.I will be back tomorrow and can get with you then if need be…..if you take the repeat tests and they come back bad we will go from there, but hopefully it is just a bad sample. Let me know you got this email, thanks.None
Associated Alerts: COLI12170 - 09/25/2013 - COLIFORM (TCR)

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1098
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