OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00018
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Montie Torgeson
Contact Date: 10/14/2013
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: Lead/Copper sampling schedule and Def. F/U DETAILS: Montie called to find out if they still needed to be taking 10 samples every 6 months for L/C. I checked with Betsy and Amy W. and we changed them from a 6 month schedule to an annual schedule only taking 5 samples instead of 10. Montie stopped by the office to discuss. Since they had already sampled once for the year, I informed him he didnt need to do any more L/C sampling for 2013. I also noticed that they hadnt been turning in their pH readings since 2011. Montie said he would start sending them in again. He got confused because he was sending in the 4-log compliance form monthly. He said he would start sending them in together.We also reviewed their remaining deficiencies from their 3/12 survey. - Corrosion control parameters not met. Montie purchased a new pH meter and has been checking the residuals daily and they are 7.2 or above. This deficiency has been corrected. -No raw sample taps. Montie installed raw sample taps at both wells last year.This deficiency has been corrected.All deficiencies have been corrected. ACTION NEEDED: none

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