OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 90413
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Peter Adamson (503) 739-1537
Contact Date: 09/04/2013
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Violation of second quarter 2013 routine TC sample DETAILS: 9/4/2013 left message for operator and alt. operator contact regardling:- missing 2nd quarter routine coliform sample - inaddition to returned violation notice that was mail by OHA. - plan review components not complete specifically control of the land within 100 of the well which DWP Evan Hofeld has sent them letters regarding requirement. Restaurant has had a for sale sign on it for last couple of months. Attempts to touch base with operator family at restaurant unsuccessful due to odd hours of estabishment being open to the public. ACTION NEEDED: Wait return contact from operators. CCPH will send certified letter in 2 weeks if no return call is received.9/12/2013 contact from Peter Adamson- system is currently turned off due to repairs, plan is to have up and running by end of September. Informed to sample by end of sept to return to compliance or notify me if system is still down and I will do a contact sheet as to temporary closure.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2528
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