OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00933
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Eric Chamberlain (541) 233-8817
Contact Date: 11/03/2013
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Follow up on water quality complaints & potential illness DETAILS: Several complaints most anonymous) on the taste, odor and addition of regular bleach into the water taken by Public Health Dept .- 9/3/13 water is orange tinted and smells like sewer. Minimal pressure.- 10/8/13 smells of rotten eggs, feces and operator adding "regular bleach to water".- 11/1/13 water felt slimy yesterday, wife recently diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia ("wife stays home all the time") MD stated that could have been contracted by breathing aerosolized contaminated water.Reviewed system TC & SA results. All recent sampling shows non detect however all samples for years have been taken at the laundry room faucet. RV Park does have history of occasional complaints from tenants, some issues w/ disgruntled tenants against RV Park manager and the living conditions of the RVs. It is noted that many of the RVs rented out are in poor condition. Interior piping of structures could be a factor.As a follow up to potential illness, EH Program decided to do random TC samples of the system in areas not routinely assessed by operator.11/13/2013 3 TC samples taken at outside hose bibs. No residual chlorine detection in any sample. Talked with complaintee whos wife was ill. No lab work was done to confirm type of bacteria causing illness. Called to inform Eric Chamberlain regarding random sampling and requested he rotate TC sampling based on Coliform sample plan. They contract with a lab for all samples. RV Park will have new manager, so Eric will need to work with new manager on all system daily operations. ACTION NEEDED: Eric to inform lab to rotate TC sampling points based on plan.Pending TC lab results.**11/18/13 Lab results indicated non detect for TC in all 3 samples. TC operator with results. Attempted contact with complaintee- unsuccessful.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3804
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