OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 92611
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Edan Lira (541) 490-2974
Contact Date: 01/23/2014
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Response to break in spring collection pipe DETAILS: Edan Lira of USFS called after not being able to reach Multomah County to discuss events and follow up after a line break in spring collection/main pipeline at Eagle Creek within the last few days. As a result, the distribution system of Eagle Creek CG and the purchaser, Cascade Hatchery were both out of water. The CG is closed, but a few residents and workers are at the hatchery. Edan indicated that the pressure has been restored and the hatchery flushed, and that a sample taken from the hatchery returned coliform absent. A sample taken at the spring was TC+, E. coli absent. I indicated that under the Groundwater Rule, no follow up samples are required for TC+ only groundwater sources. I indicated no boil water advisory necessary for this earlier loss in psi in Cascades system as situation addressed. I referenced DWS Best Practices which address loss of pressure cases for USFS and hatchery reference. ACTION NEEDED: DWS to ask County to forward BMP for pressure losses and boil water public notice to template to both USFS and hatchery staff. DWS to continue to support County at both systems.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1204
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