OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00225
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Brian Rigwood (541) 602-6430
Contact Date: 04/23/2014
Contacted By: KELLEY, KAREN (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: 20" main break response DETAILS: We received a report of a severe main break and water outage in the City of Corvallis downtown area from Benton County Health Department staff on 4/22/14. Laura Burns left a message for City staff to tell us the status of the outage on 4/22. Brian Rigwood called this morning to report the main break ocurred yesterday afternoon. The 20" main burst in downtown, the cause of the failure is unknown. The City shut off 19 services, isolated ~1450 of main, and removed the meters. Low pressure was reported in the area, but was still positive during the event and before the services were shut off, chlorine residual was maintained at 0.8 mg/L in the surrounding area. ~800,000 gallons were lost and a few building basements were flooded during the event, but there were no reported injuries. The main repair was completed as of 3:30 this morning. Shock chlorination of the main at 300 ppm is happening today followed by flushing and dechlorination. Follow-up coliform samples will be collected, results are expected by tomorrow at the latest. In the meantime, the City has provided portable toilet facilities and drinking water to the affected customers. ACTION NEEDED: City staff will call or email tomorrow with the results of the sampling and give a status update on the affected area. According to Brian, positive pressure was maintained therefore a boil water advisory is not required. Affected customers will not receive water until the coliform results come back negative.

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