OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details |
PWS ID: | OR41 00251 | ||
Who Was Contacted and Phone: | 503-868-7092 | ||
Contact Date: | 03/19/2014 | ||
Contact Method/Location: | Office | ||
Reasons: | N/A N/A |
Details: | SUMMARY: Discussed sanitary survey findings and resolution DETAILS: I met with Steve and Lloyd and discussed findings from the sanitary survey performed on September 3, 20141) reviewed information for positive E.coli and subsequent conformational coliform samples taken in February of 2013.* At the Zimerman Spring a raw water sample tap has been places in the line coming out of the spring before chlorination to pull samples before treatment, the previous way to take samples was by dipping a bottle in the pool of water created ion the spring box with a homemade contraption that was believed to be the source of contamination.* The system cleaned of the top of the spring box and removed debris up slope of the spring box and the Zimmerman Spring, they plan on packing powdered bentonite in the hairline crack between the rock and concrete housing protecting the spring outflow and catchment.* At the Nelson spring a collection box was collecting surface water an depositing it in the storage tank. The line from that collection box has been disconnected2) Source water from the Zimmerman spring has been taken off line and is being sampled for 12 months to prove that it is a viable source without having to meet the 4 log disinfection requirement. So far it has only returned positive coliform samples.3) The discharge from the Nelson Spring has a screen on it.4) The annual Summary report was completed and sent in, per Steve and Lloyd.5) The are working on an operations and maintenance manual.6) The system is working on a coliform sampling plan7) The system is working on plan review for the new well drilled by the ZimmermanSpring. ACTION NEEDED: I told Lloyd and Steve that I would drop off paperwork at a later date to assist inwriting the maintenance manual, coliform sampling plan, Emergency response planand Plan review for the new well.( |