OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 91611
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Derick Clark (503) 997-9229
Contact Date: 03/19/2014
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Visit to the spring and system DETAILS: I visited the system with James Nusrala and Tom Pattee-- a boil water notice was posted and additional one at the hand wash sink. After viewing the spring Tom recommended to cement around the spring to 3 feet from bottom, dig a drainage ditch in front to remove excess water and to fence 10 feet around the spring. After viewing the chlorination system James recommended a new dosing pump to use current Clorox bleach and will work to develop the right dosing concentration from the chlorination 15 gallon tank-- also triggered source sample I s needed from the spring. Derick will add the additional boil water notice at the hand wash sink, purchase a dosing pump and contact James on chlorine concentration. The system will then require daily checks as to the concentration and record the results. Derick will begin repairs to the spring head to bring into compliance ACTION NEEDED: Once repairs and chlorination is in place and working, I will visit to follow up on the recommendations.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2184
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