OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01259
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Nikkie Malloy (541) 815-0802
Contact Date: 08/13/2014
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Regulatory assistance for water outage DETAILS: Received complaints from homeowners 8/11 regarding water outages at Desert Springs.Called owner Nikkia and she explained that recent lightning had knocked out the well pump which in turn caused the two reservoir pumps to burn out when the reservoir went dry. The reservoir pumps were replaced and the well pump reset for a short time but then the well pump died permanently. In the interim, water was hauled in to the reservoir by Bend Water Hauling to provide minimal water to users. When I contacted Nikkia 8/11, she confirmed that pressure had been lost and I explained the Boil Water Notice requirement. Nikkia in my office Tuesday Morning and I assisted her in developing the "boil water due to loss of pressure" PN. PN was distributed door to door Tuesday PM by her and her kids and some homeowners. Neighborhood signs were also erected with info as well as the PN. In addition, a Facebook page was created to keep users informed and had a post regarding boiling water before use until further notice. I contacted the OHA and PUC for assistance and learned that Avion Water had already been in discussion with Nikkia to help get water service restored. As of 8/12, Avion was having Bend Water hauling deliver water to the reservoir until a temporary water line could be installed between Cimmarron City and the Desert Springs Reservoir. I called Jason Wick with Avion and he confirmed that they would be working with Cimmarron to install a 1.5" water line that would run between 10pm and 5 am daily and provide 28,000gpd until the well pump could be replaced.. Once the temporary line is installed, Desert springs will take special distribution coliform samples to ensure absent for bacteria. Then, once the well pump has been replaced, additional samples will be needed to ensure absent for bacteria before filling reservoir. ACTION NEEDED: none

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