OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94317
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Ron Loe
Contact Date: 10/30/2014
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: Lead 0.019 DETAILS: Discussed alert with Ron. Ron said he took the samples on a Sunday... Sept 21. the Rachelle hardwood sample was taken from the showroom sink which is rarely used. Wayne Buck sample was taken from the womens restroom hand sink. The building does not have any female employees and hasnt been used in months. The factory lunchroom sink hadnt been used since Thursday. I asked him if received instructions on proper sampling protocol from the lab when he got the sample bottles and he said he didnt remember. I contacted the lab and they do provide instructions and make the person picking up the bottles sign a form stating they read them. I told Ron I would need to talk to the state on how to proceed and then I would get back to him. ACTION NEEDED: none
Associated Alerts: CHEM6519 - 10/30/2014 - LEAD SUMMARY

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