OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 91133
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Darla Nelson (541) 576-2131
Contact Date: 12/29/2014
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Next steps after well chlorination DETAILS: Darla called to say they had shock chlorinated the well over the weekend, but it still smelled like chlorine. While talking with her, I learned they had not flushed it out of the well. Also, they had not run the chlorinated water through one section (the motel part) of their distribution system. She also wanted to know when they should take the post-chlorination follow up samples for coliform. See actions needed. ACTION NEEDED: Darla will open tap(s) at the end of the motel water line until it smells of chlorine, then shut it off and let it sit in those pipes for several hours. Then they will be able to flush the chlorinated water out of the well by opening many taps and flushing until the water no longer smells of chlorine. They plan to take follow up coliform samples next week when the lab opens again (on January 5th).
Associated Alerts: COLI13727 - 12/15/2014 - COLIFORM (TCR)

COLI13727 - 12/15/2014 - COLIFORM (TCR)

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