OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00731
Who Was Contacted and Phone: sdwis
Contact Date: 03/13/2015
Contacted By: BAIRD, GREGG (REGION 1)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Disinfection Byproducts
Details: SUMMARY: Quarterly HAA5 individual results over the MCL DETAILS: Samples collected 1/20/15 showed HAA5s over the MCL at 3092 KURT DR NW (SM #13) and 3265 GLEN CREEK RD (SM #11). These sites are different than the sites that were at/over the MCL in April 2014. LRAAs for all 8 monitoring locations remain under the MCLs for both TTHMs and HAA5s. Operational Evaluation levels (OELs) are also below both the MCLs at this time. ACTION NEEDED: System needs to pursue methods of lowering DBPs in the distribution system at these locations. No regulatory action needed at this time, however if LRAAs exceed the MCL, the system will be in violation and public notice will be required. Also if OELs exceed the MCL, the system must conduct an operational evaluation that includes an examination of the water system and identifies steps they should consider to minimize future exceedances.
Associated Alerts: CHEM6631 - 02/23/2015 - TOTAL HALOACETIC ACIDS (HAA5)


More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3906
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