OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00336
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Lesli Bekins (503) 260-1342
Contact Date: 04/22/2015
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: BOIL WATER
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: no pressure boil DETAILS: 7:40- I received a call from Karen Leben to let me know that a restaurant of hers called to let her know that they had no water overnight. They are starting to get water again. The system ran out of water due to fire fighting efforts at a large condo complex fire. I let Karen know that the system will be on a boil when they build pressure back to normal levels. I told Karen I would call the operator right away. 7:50- Contacted Lesli Bekins to find out what was the extent of the loss of pressure. She indicated that not all of the system was completely out of water but everything above the condo was without water so they called a boil water. She indicated that I should talk with Andrew the DRC. She said she would have him call me right away but a boil had been called.7:55- Andrew called me & let me know that over a million gallons had been used to try to douse the fire & keep the fire from spreading. He said that all of the news stations had been contacted to provide a public notice via the media. I checked & verified that KGW.com had it posted on their website. I emailed her the official no pressure boil public notice template. She said that she would do a blast email & hand deliver to some locations. I provided a copy of the frequently asked question page to Karen for licensed facilities. There are some licensed facilities in Gov. camp that are on their own private well & not impacted by the boil. The water pressure is building up in the system now that demand has eased off. The operator indicated that he would be taking samples this afternoon & hoped to have the boil lifted as soon as possible. He will notify this office when the coliform sample results are back. Oregon Dept. of Ag. Has also been notified as they have licensed facilities as well. ACTION NEEDED: Monitor follow up samples to lift boil & support the system as needed.

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