OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94926
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Yvonne Couts
Contact Date: 08/24/2015
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Discussed Well #4 and positive TC sample DETAILS: Yvonne is the new DRC and called because Well #4 was positive for TC. I explained that we only have the system as using Well #5. She said she just took the samples like they usually do and they take a special sample from Well #4 and a routine from #5 every quarter. I pulled the old Santiam Lumber #1 file and Well #4 was under that PWS #94244 and it was inactive. I found a letter from Alan Harrison, Environmental Manager for Santiam Lumber dated 2008. It states that Well #4 no longer services the Old Planer lunch room, only supplies water to the shipping office located in the closed Bauman Planer bldg. It only has two service connections and serves no more than 9 people per day. She said that was correct. I sent her a copy of the letter. She also said the contact should be changed from Matt Lee to Steve Braze. ACTION NEEDED: none

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