OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 91685
PWS Name: EZ TRIP #1232
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Nirmal Singh (541) 979-0456
Contact Date: 10/16/2015
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Triggered sample ecoli positive DETAILS: Met with operator on site. He said he had a lot of standing water around the well last week. He said the irrigation line he installed last year was leaking so he turned it off. There is no backflow device on irrigation line. System has two buildings connected to it, one is the Pinecone restaurant and the other is the 76 gas station mini mart. I notified Dept. of Ag. about their facility, the restaurant is open sporadically. Discussed next steps in terms of sampling. Nirmal was going to turn in 5 confirmation samples this pm. He is planning on shocking the well tomorrow am. Reviewed the Boil water notice. Dept. of Ag will not let them use the water for hand washing or dishwashing. They will only be serving pre packaged foods. The operator of the restaurant showed up during the meeting with plans to open the restaurant. Explained that due to his menu, he would need to remain closed. Nirmal also informed him he would need to remain closed. ACTION NEEDED: none
Associated Alerts: COLI14845 - 10/16/2015 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

COLI14845 - 10/16/2015 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

COLI14845 - 10/16/2015 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

COLI14845 - 10/16/2015 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

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