OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00262
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Alan Mustain (503) 538-6700
Contact Date: 12/16/2015
Contacted By: HOFELD, EVAN (REGION 1)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Disinfection Byproducts
Details: SUMMARY: Compliance and monitoring updates requested DETAILS: On 12/16/15 I sent an e-mail to Alan Mustain at alan.mustain@dundeecity.org (followed up by subsequent phone conversations and e-mails) notifying the City about an increase in coliform sampling from 3 to 4 samples, lead and copper from 10 to 20 tap samples, and SOC increases from once every 3 years to two consecutive quarterly samples every 3 years. These changes were addressed in the water system survey report letter dated July 6, 2015, but not updated in our database (I requested database updates). DBP sample locations were also clarified with specific street addresses (2DBP-01 at 23000 NE Dayton Ave and 2DBP-02 at the WWTP at 23310 Fulquartz). I also requested a copy of the public notice issued for not meeting 4-log viral inactivation in September 2015 and requested an update to the Citys efforts to resolve the significant deficiencies from the June 15, 2015 survey as outlined in the survey cover letter dated July 6, 2015. ACTION NEEDED: System to begin following updated monitoring schedules, provide public notice for not meeting 4.0-log viral inactivation in September 2015, and provide update to progress on correcting significant deficiencies identified during the June 15, 2015 survey.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4136
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Lead & Copper  ::  DBP Sample Sites  ::  FANLs  ::  MRDL  ::  GWR 4-Log  ::  Turbidity  ::  SWTR  ::  LRAA  ::  DW Source Protection

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