OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01509
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Cammie Owens (541) 396-6012
Contact Date: 02/09/2016
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: lead and copper monitoring requirements DETAILS: Dean Minard thought City of Coquille was doing their lead and copper monitoring as part of a combined distribution system. Although DWS had sent Coquille a letter in 2009 saying that was possible - that is, a combined distribution system for L&C sampling purposes for Coquille and its purchasing systems, the monitoring plan materials DWS requested were never received and therefore never approved. I discussed with Cammie on the phone, and followed up with an email outlining Dean Minards options for compliance: 1) Coquille & Dean Minard submit the originally requested materials (and monitoring locations), and if approved, Coquilles 20 samples would count for Dean Minard as well-- 2) Dean Minard collects its own 5 L&C samples every 3 years-- 3) Coquille collects the 5 L&C samples within the Dean Minard distribution & labels them appropriately. This email with the options was copied to Coquille and Coos County. ACTION NEEDED: Dean Minard and the City of Coquille will inform DWS which compliance route they will take. Since Dean Minard is currently out of compliance with the Lead and Copper Rule (none for 4.5 years), they need to collect samples in summer of 2016 even if Coquille is not yet due (if pursuing the combined plan). For whichever sized distribution system Dean Minard will be a part of, they must do the EPA evaluation of materials to identify the highest risk (tier) sites before collecting any samples.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4990
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