OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00552
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Randy Parrot (541) 572-5022
Contact Date: 02/08/2016
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Survey Follow-up DETAILS: Randy reports the district is holding a meeting tonight anticipating making a decision whether to pursue surface water treatment instead of trying to maintain ground water (GW) status. The district anticipates communciating a decision by March 1, 2016. Also discussed: -Fear of increased rates to the district if SRF option is to become reality. -GW rule is the cause of issues. Even though distribution samples have historically been free if coliform bacteria this sampling would not indicate safety relative to viral or parasitic organisms found in surface water. -In reference to my November 23, 2015 letter and maintaining GW status comment included: 1. HBH says its impossible to collect MPA under current conditions-- 2. No feasible recommendation has been made on providing sample taps to allow source sampling-- 3. & 4. No comment-- 5. Terribly expensive to fence around individual springs, particularly those where access by vehicle is limited-- 6. Special tool needed to divert spring 5 water back into the system making threat nihil-- 7. No comment-- and Misc Comment: -Spring 5 remains abandoned and 6 may become abandoned soon.-Conversations with persons knowledgeable about trees say tree roots generally dont spread beyond the canopy of the individual tree and roots in a spring collection area do not exude contaminants. (I suggested that a void left by old roots left from dying vegetation might provide a contamination conduit). ACTION NEEDED: Determine whether to pursue GW status or provide surface water treatment and communciate decision by 3/1/2016.

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