OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details |
PWS ID: | OR41 00552 | ||
Who Was Contacted and Phone: | Randy Parrott (541) 572-5022 | ||
Contact Date: | 11/18/2015 | ||
Contacted By: | HENRY, ROBERT (DWP) | ||
Contact Method/Location: | Field | ||
Assistance Type: | CIRCUIT RIDER ASSISTANCE | ||
Reasons: | N/A N/A |
Details: | SUMMARY: Springs E. Coli Issues DETAILS: The Bridge Water District is rural community water system in Coos County, east of Myrtle Point. The community has a water system which serves 53 connections with an approximate population of 150 persons. The source water for the system is a series of 6 springs. Based on confirmed positive e. Coli tests from December 2014, the system has received notification from OHA that Springs #5 and #6 must be evaluated for groundwater under the direct influence of surface water. The water system has entertained the idea of going with surface water filtration to reduce the regulatory requirements of their existing system. Randy Parrott had previously contacted the Circuit Rider to discuss costs and ramifications of moving to surface water. It was recommended that the water system seek to complete MPA testing prior to making any decisions toward surface water filtration. However, upon visiting the water system, it was discovered that the spring appears to produce less than 1 gpm and would not likely produce the required 500 gallons needed for an MPA test. Discussed springs flow issues and potential options with water system and OHA personnel. Researched alternative MPA sampling methods. Reviewed ramifications of keeping affected Springs off line. ACTION NEEDED: Provide further assistance as needed. |