OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00172
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Dave Griffin, Sheldon Price, John Grim
Contact Date: 04/18/2016
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: Tech Consultation - L&C Compliance Steps DETAILS: We (Ian Stromquist & Mike Matthews) met with David, Sheldon and John at the health department office to discuss the expectations prior to 6/30/16. James Nusrala participated via phone. Specifically, the City of Cascade Locks wished clarification regarding how specific their recommendation for optimal corrosion control treatment needs to be before the 6/30/16 deadline.We also discussed the 20 proposed lead & copper sampling site locations. The operator presented a list of 30 locations that had been reviewed/approved/?? during the 1990s. As of this date, there is no current information regarding the plumbing in these sample sites. ACTION NEEDED: ‘City Of Cascade Locks’ public water system needs to submit a corrective action plan to Hood River County Health Department by June 20th, 2016, which contains the following information: (1) Preferred method of corrosion control-- and (2) The date by which formal engineered plans will be submitted for formal review. ‘City Of Cascade Locks’ public water system must concurrently begin: (1) A (once every six-month period) lead & copper monitoring schedule-- and (2) Pursue the development of engineered (shovel ready) plans for corrosion control.Also, ‘City Of Cascade Locks’ public water system must select 20 sample sites for lead & copper sampling that meet the selection criteria in rule. The city must also be able to explain why they chose these sites and what information sources they used in their selection. The next round of lead and copper testing is due by 6/30/16.
Associated Alerts: CHEM6876 - 09/18/2015 - COPPER SUMMARY

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