OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94713
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Leah Shannon
Contact Date: 04/26/2016
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Follow-up on Priority Noncomplier/System Score of 16 DETAILS: Follow-up with operator regarding steps taken to determine the source of the recent total coliform detections in the distribution system in late 2015 and first quarter of 2016.* The operator just received a copy of a report produced internally by Anderson Perry with suggestions on how to prioritize effort to make the system better. The system did extensive flushing after determining that the average daily flows in distribution were not sufficent to keep the turnover of the water in distribution "fresh" . ACTION NEEDED: Actions taken: 1) the reservior was cleaned the week of 18-22nd of April. 2) the system was flushed between the TC+ sample on March 7th and the repeats taken on March 11th were negative. 3) The water system uses considerable water for dust suppression on their roads but these trucks were filled next to the reservoir so minimal water was being used in the distal end of distribution. They have installed 2 water filling stations in distribution (air gap-candy canes) so trucks pull water from distribution and keep the turnover of water better in the entire system. 4) the system will continue to make improvements as suggested by the Anderson Perry report.3 Routine samples are needed in April, if these samples are negative then 10 Priority Non-complier points should be subtracted from the total and the system will be back under the compliance maximum. I will contact the operator to remind them of the April deadline. Operator checking on status of sampling to assure tests were taken in April or will take 3 Routines this week.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2851
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