OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94489
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Vick
Contact Date: 07/13/2016
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Complaint DETAILS: On 12 of July 2016 I arrived at Whaleshead following up on a complaint about the water system smelling like gas. I spoke with Vick, who is the water operator for Whaleshead. He was well aware of the problem. Vick told me that six people came to him and complained about the water. He proceeded to inform me of the steps he took on the day he was notified of the smell.On July 6, 2016 he flushed the system from the bottom up to the top. Vick said he added three times the chlorine to the system and let it sit for about 30 to 60 minute. He flushed the system again from the top to the bottom, and again from the bottom to the top. Flushing was done by using the fire hydrants throughout the park. Vick and his crew also flushed every site as well. Since they have done this there has been no complaint of odor or smell.July 13, 2016, I spoke with Vick and Corinne Shrode, who is the office manager. The three of us went throughout the park smelling and looking for contaminants. No smell was noticed throughout the system. No signs of contaminants. I did complete a water system survey. Whaleshead ordered VOC’s sampling bottles. Vick will call me when they arrive so I will be there when they take the samples. ACTION NEEDED: None.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1791
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