OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95325
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Gary Lillie (541) 396-4473
Contact Date: 08/08/2016
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Public Notice Violations and Time Line Extension to Provide New Source DETAILS: Email sent to Gary Lillie encouraging him to meet the public notice requirement associated with E. coli found and confirmed in the well being used AND providing a time line extension to complete the process of putting the new well on-line. Email sent as follows: Gary, three things.1. Attached is an E. coli public notice document. Something like this should be posted at the church and on a monthly basis you are supposed to copy me whatever is currently posted. You probably still have something posted. Copy it to me or DWS every month. Doing this avoids assessment of violations.If you want to use the attached, then update both the date at the bottom and the paragraph under "what happened? What is being done."2. I hope the [plan review] envelope you left me gets addressed and put in the mail tomorrow.3. I am requesting the time frame to put your new well into "approved service" out to September 30. I expect this is a reasonable time frame for DWS to complete the plan review process. I want to see this happen prior to the end of August, otherwise if the church is assessed too many violations it causes needless work and headaches. ACTION NEEDED: Sait for plan review process - operator to respond as needed.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4983
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