OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00612
Who Was Contacted and Phone: John Hirata (541) 352-5577
Contact Date: 09/22/2016
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: WSS Deficiency Follow-up - CAP Review & Consultation DETAILS: On 9/22/16, John Hirata contacted our office and stated that he was confused about our letter dated 9/13/16 (regarding unaddressed significant deficiencies from 4/25/16).Mr. Hirata reported that he had mailed a proposed corrective action plan (CAP) to our office several months earlier-- he was also confused that we had never responded. Hood River County Health Department has no record of receiving a CAP from Parkdale following the 4/25/16 WSS.We agreed to meet in person in our office in the late afternoon. Mr. Hirata presented drawings of a proposed method of rendering the spring-box water-tight. Mr. Hirata’s method/solution included creating a steel, overlapping, cap over the irrigation-weir style opening. As well, the plan included installing a ‘sliding door’ over the grate on the irrigation-weir-style side of the spring box.Copies of these drawings may be viewed upon request at the Hood River County Health Department.After reviewing the drawings, Hood River County Health Department determined that the chosen method would not ensure a ‘water-tight’ seal at the spring box and recommended against making this alteration. This decision was made because the ‘sliding-door’ over the grate opening would not create an overlapping cover/opening at the overflow. ACTION NEEDED: We instructed Mr. Hirata to alter the corrective action plan to include an overlapping structure over the overflow assembly (irrigation-style-weir-gate). The deadline for a response remains 10/13/16.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3381
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