OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00012
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Karen Kelley (541) 791-0175
Contact Date: 06/23/2017
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: SOCs
Details: SUMMARY: Exempt from Dioxin testing? DETAILS: Albany inquired whether they are exempt from monitoring for Dioxin as part of the SOCs, since they have not been submitting them. In October 1992, DWS wrote up a "Guidance Document for Phase II/V Use and Susceptibility Waiver Application." All CWSs with surface water intakes downstream from potential dioxin sources (past and present) were required to take 1 or 2 dioxin samples (based on system size), and if these were negative, no repeats were required and they were part of an area-wide waiver. Based on wood treatment facilties in the watershed, Albany collected 1 sample (should have been 2) in 1993 which tested ND, so the waiver applied to them. [Dioxin is called 2,3,7,8-TCDD in our database.] However, this waiver was not indefinite, and was to be reviewed every 3 years to certify that conditions (e.g., watershed activities) have not changed. I provided Albany info on which watershed activities trigger monitoring from the waiver Guidance doc, so they may determine whether any new potential sources of Dioxin have appeared since 1993, changing the waiver status. ACTION NEEDED: Karen indicated that since the lab fee was no different for the SOC suite with or without Dioxin, she plans to include it in the 2018 monitoring. She may also review these activities in the watershed.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3872
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