OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05117
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jack Patterson (541) 941-4156
Contact Date: 02/10/2017
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: positive well tests for E-coli and Coliform DETAILS: The Dark Hollow Water Association is a small water system located in rural Jackson County outside of Medford with 15 services. Dark Hollow has 1 well system approximately 70 years old with an approximate depth of 440’. A water tank is approximately 1 mile from the well for storage. The top of well head is approximately at the same elevation as the existing grade surrounding the well.2/3/17 – I spoke with Jack Patterson regarding positive tests for coliform and E-coli. The system was shocked with chlorine and tested and still tested positive for coliform.After further investigation, it was concluded that the existing well is being inundated with surface water. Located adjacent to the well is a pasture with livestock present. The surface water from the pasture is ponding around the at grade well head which appears to be polluting the well and is likely the cause of the positive E-coli/coliform tests.Based on the information collected we recommended that the well head be extended to 2’ above existing grade. Also, a new watertight cap and seal installed. ACTION NEEDED: To ensure proper treatment operator requested we review their existing UV and filtration system to determine if updates or additional treatment should be incorporated to the facility.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 174
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