OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95258
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Ron Loving (503) 989-5772
Contact Date: 08/28/2017
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Arsenic
Details: SUMMARY: Discussing Arsenic Results and Testing Frequency DETAILS: I discussed with Ron Loving the reduction of Arsenic testing at FSA after a year of not violating MCL. Ron agreed that the numbers from the FSA arsenic tests are lackluster, despite expensive and extensive treatment system and maintenance. Most recent result was equal to the MCL. Ron stated that the firm has, for multiple reasons, chosen to remove their water chilled cooling towers from the treated drinking water. This might reduce the demands of the arsenic abatement equipment by as much as 90%. It is hoped that this reduction will allow for more effective removal of arsenic from the drinking water. Ron will continue on with quarterly testing of arsenic for now in order to test the function of the system with the reduced flow. Signs have been posted at all drinking water sources that the water is not ideal. Bottled water is provided. Notices are posted to remind employees that cooking the water does not remove arsenic. Water fountains are slated to be removed from the facility to reduce risk of ingestion of water with near MCL levels of arsenic. ACTION NEEDED: Ron Loving has agreed to keep me posted about successes or challenges with the system in the coming months.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4880
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