OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05280
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Alan Hoefflinger
Contact Date: 11/02/2017
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: AS Sample Positive for E. coli DETAILS: I spoke with Alan on 11/2 regarding his E. coli positive sample. His system has two wells and both wells were tested. The first well had an E. coli postive, and Alan has taken steps to temporarily disconnect this well from service. The second well tested positive for coliform only, and no further action is required on this well. Alan stated again he has disconnected the first well from service, and users do not have access to this well currently. He has taken two repeat samples (yesterday) and was on his way to the lab to have those samples dropped off and evaluated. He also shock chlorinated the system last night (well 1 only) and was allowing the chlorine to sit overnight. I stated if it had sat for at least 8 hours, he could flush out the system. He mentioned he will go back later today and flush out the system. At this point action has been taken to prevent the water from being used by the public, and we will await the results of the repeat samples from well 1 before taking additional action. ACTION NEEDED: Have repeat samples evaluated and take action based on the results of those samples.
Associated Alerts: COLI17388 - 11/01/2017 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

COLI17388 - 11/01/2017 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

COLI17388 - 11/01/2017 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4186
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