OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00552
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Daniel Horner (541) 290-9661
Contact Date: 01/09/2018
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: SWTR
Details: SUMMARY: interim SW monitoring ^ board capacity DETAILS: Interim monitoring has been required for months while the District is pursuing SW filtration treatment, but a complete report has not been received to date. The December SWTR had some errors that I brought to Daniels attention. It was also incomplete. He has just located the turbidimeter, pH meter, and thermometer that Ed Dyment had purchased. He is having trouble with the turbidimeter and may visit the neighboring Myrtle Point treatment plant to get help with it. Discussed that the turbidity measurements need to be collected before the storage tanks, while the pH, temp, and chlorine residual (which Ed has been measuring to date) are collected after storage. I sent him contact information for OAWU (Bridge is a member) and RCAC to get both technical and organizational help. Later, I heard that RosAnna Norval of RCAC is meeting with the board February 5th and will discuss tasks that RCAC will complete. I am hoping they can build their board capacity and the number of people needed to collect these daily measurements. Meanwhile, their engineer is completing the full application for SRF funds to install SW filtration and a UV unit. The deadline is to submit plans for review by 6/30/18, and complete installation by 12/31/18. ACTION NEEDED: Continue to provide feedback on the interim monitoring reports and measurements. Consider trying to reach Ed Dyment by phone by calling after 6:30 pm, when he returns from work.

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