OHA Drinking Water Services

Most Recent Water System Survey
Survey Date: Oct 01, 2009
Notification Date: Nov 16, 2009 (46 days)
Regulating Agency: DWS (REGION 1)
Survey Frequency: 5 YR  -  Visit the Water System Surveys page to see the list of surveys due each year.
This site visit has not been entered into the deficiency database.

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Sanitary Survey, Finished (SNSV) 10/01/2009 5 YR  * 11/16/2009 (46) REGION 1 Hide details
The significant deficiencies and rule violations noted are as follows: Monitoring: 1. A written coliform sampling plan must be developed showing the locations of both routine and repeat coliform sampling sample sites and a rotation schedule. Identify at least three routine locations to rotate through every three months, and four repeat locations for each routine. See the enclosed information for further explanation. Operation and Maintenance: 2. No Operations and Maintenance Manual. This is required for all public water systems and should include information on maintaining the distribution system. Please see the enclosed information for further information. Keep a copy on-site, a copy does not need to be sent to the DWP. 3. No Emergency Response Plan (ERP). All public water systems must develop an ERP, that all staff need to be familiar with. This plan should include how to respond to various security scenarios, including vandalism or contamination of the water system, as well as details for communication and authority. Please see the enclosed item for a list of required elements, and public notice templates for coliform to include in the ERP. Alternatively, the Drinking Water Program (DWP) has developed a template for systems with fewer than 150 connections at: http://www.oregon.gov/DHS/ph/dwp/docs/security/SmallSystemVA-ERP.doc. Keep a copy on-site, a copy does not need to be sent to the DWP. Treatment/Disinfection: 4. The frequency of chlorine residual monitoring in the distribution system must be increased to twice a week, pursuant to updated Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR 333-061-0036 (9)(a). The chlorine residual can be measured at a location that is convenient for you, perhaps at an approved location near the Port’s office. Records should be kept on-site for future review and do not need to be submitted to our office.
This site visit has not been entered into the deficiency database.


More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 5045
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