OHA Drinking Water Services
00510 ---- MAUPIN, CITY OF
Required Operators
Distribution Level 1
DRC Requirement Not Met
Oregon Administrative Rule:
333-061-0235 Operator Requirements Levels 1-4
HS/GED and 1 year experience,
A 2-year Associates degree in water technology may be substituted for 6 months of the experience
No other education can be substituted for this requirement.
Cross Connection Control Specialist
Requirement Not Met
Oregon Administrative Rule:
333-061-0070 Cross Connection Control Requirements
In community water systems having 300 or more service connections, water
suppliers must ensure at least one person is certified as a Cross Connection
Control Specialist, unless specifically exempted from this requirement by the
Name |
Distribution Level |
Treatment Level |
Filtration Endorsement |
Small Water Certification |
BAT Certification |
CCS Certification |
CCB # |
LCB # |
Phone Number |
Email |
Expiration Dates |
Sort DRC |
Abbreviations: BAT = Backflow Assembly Tester, CCS = Cross Connection Specialist, D = Distribution, DRC = Direct Responsible Charge, OIT = Operator in Training, SWS = Small Water System, T = Treatment
DRCs are marked in bold and listed first.