OHA Drinking Water Services
Water Quality Alerts

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Alert Date Range: From to
Alert Type
Alert ID Sample Date Alert Date Contact
Time (Days)
Location Analyte
Alert Level
Units Sample Type Lab Sample ID SelectAtype FilterAlertDate
TCR ARCHIVE 05/04/1994 05/18/1994 COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Routine 940504PC1 Alert TCR0 1994-05-18
TCR ARCHIVE 05/09/1994 05/18/1994 COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Repeat 940509PE1 Alert TCR0 1994-05-18
TCR ARCHIVE 07/07/1994 07/19/1994 COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Routine 940707PD1 Alert TCR0 1994-07-19
NO3 ARCHIVE 03/29/1995 04/19/1995 A NITRATE 6 5 10 MG/L 950329S*A Alert Chem NO30 1995-04-19
TCR ARCHIVE 09/08/1995 10/16/1995 COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Routine 950908PE15 Alert TCR0 1995-10-16
TCR ARCHIVE 09/14/1995 10/16/1995 COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Repeat 950914PG13 Alert TCR0 1995-10-16
TCR ARCHIVE 09/20/1995 10/16/1995 COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Repeat 950920PB17 Alert TCR0 1995-10-16
NO3 ARCHIVE 09/18/1996 10/07/1996 A NITRATE 5.5 5 10 MG/L 9609181*A Alert Chem NO30 1996-10-07
NO3 ARCHIVE 12/10/1996 01/02/1997 A NITRATE 5.7 5 10 MG/L 961209I*A Alert Chem NO30 1997-01-02
NO3 ARCHIVE 02/03/1997 02/18/1997 A NITRATE 5.9 5 10 MG/L 970203U*A Alert Chem NO30 1997-02-18
NO3 ARCHIVE 06/03/1997 06/18/1997 A NITRATE 8.7 5 10 MG/L 970603H*A Alert Chem NO30 1997-06-18
TCR ARCHIVE 07/07/1997 07/17/1997 COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Routine 9707070D15 Alert TCR0 1997-07-17
NO3 ARCHIVE 11/05/1997 11/18/1997 A NITRATE 6.3 5 10 MG/L 971105I*A Alert Chem NO30 1997-11-18
TCR ARCHIVE 01/07/1998 01/23/1998 COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Routine 980107PQ10 Alert TCR0 1998-01-23
NO3 ARCHIVE 06/02/1998 06/18/1998 A NITRATE 8.5 5 10 MG/L 980602G*A Alert Chem NO30 1998-06-18
NO3 ARCHIVE 12/03/1998 01/13/1999 A NITRATE 6.8 5 10 MG/L 981204AD*A Alert Chem NO30 1999-01-13
TCR ARCHIVE 02/08/1999 02/22/1999 COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Routine 990208PA1 Alert TCR0 1999-02-22
NO3 ARCHIVE 06/15/1999 07/13/1999 A NITRATE 7.8 5 10 MG/L 990615AP*A Alert Chem NO30 1999-07-13
NO3 ARCHIVE 05/08/2000 06/16/2000 A NITRATE 8.5 5 10 MG/L A00508K*A Alert Chem NO30 2000-06-16
NO3 ARCHIVE 03/08/2001 04/09/2001 A NITRATE 7 5 10 MG/L A10308L*A Alert Chem NO30 2001-04-09
IOC ARCHIVE 03/08/2001 04/09/2001 A SODIUM 34 20 MG/L A10308L*A Alert Chem IOC0 2001-04-09
NO3 CHEM69 03/04/2002 08/19/2002 EP-A NITRATE 7.3 5 10 MG/L A20304D-1 Alert Chem NO30 2002-08-19
NO3 CHEM360 03/05/2003 04/04/2003 EP-A NITRATE 7 5 10 MG/L A30305AE-1 Alert Chem NO30 2003-04-04
NO3 CHEM757 03/10/2004 05/27/2004 EP-A NITRATE 6 5 10 MG/L A40310AA-1 Alert Chem NO30 2004-05-27
Notice - Sodium CHEM1097 11/04/2004 01/14/2005 EP-A SODIUM 150 20 MG/L A41104E-1I Notice Sodium 2005-01-14
NO3 CHEM1545 04/07/2005 05/03/2005 EP-A NITRATE 8 5 10 MG/L A50408A-1 Alert Chem NO30 2005-05-03
NO3 CHEM3141 06/01/2006 08/29/2008 EP-A NITRATE 9 5 10 MG/L A60601E1 Alert Chem NO30 2008-08-29
TCR COLI3313 08/01/2006 08/02/2006 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Routine M0060801PM129 Alert TCR0 2006-08-02
NO3 CHEM2421 03/06/2007 04/04/2007 EP-A NITRATE 7 5 10 MG/L A70306AN1-I Alert Chem NO30 2007-04-04
Notice - Sodium CHEM2421 03/06/2007 04/04/2007 EP-A SODIUM 130 20 MG/L A70306AN1-I Notice Sodium 2007-04-04
NIT CHEM2566 03/06/2007 08/02/2007 EP-A NITRATE-NITRITE 7 10 MG/L A70306AN1-I Alert Chem NIT0 2007-08-02
TCR COLI4758 11/01/2007 11/02/2007 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Routine M0071101PH117 Alert TCR0 2007-11-02
NO3 CHEM3053 02/04/2008 08/04/2008 EP-A NITRATE 7 5 10 MG/L A80204I1-I Alert Chem NO30 2008-08-04
NO3 CHEM3360 02/04/2009 02/12/2009 EP-A NITRATE 7.25 5 10 MG/L 090204E1Q-I Alert Chem NO30 2009-02-12
TCR COLI6402 07/01/2009 07/06/2009 DIST-A E. COLI Present 0 Routine 090701G Alert TCR0 2009-07-06
TCR COLI6402 07/01/2009 07/06/2009 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Routine 090701G Alert TCR0 2009-07-06
TCR COLI6402 07/02/2009 07/06/2009 DIST-A E. COLI Present 0 Repeat 090702L1 Alert TCR0 2009-07-06
TCR COLI6402 07/02/2009 07/06/2009 DIST-A E. COLI Present 0 Repeat 09702L2 Alert TCR0 2009-07-06
TCR COLI6402 07/02/2009 07/06/2009 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Repeat 090702L1 Alert TCR0 2009-07-06
TCR COLI6402 07/02/2009 07/06/2009 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Repeat 09702L2 Alert TCR0 2009-07-06
Notice - Special COLI6459 07/07/2009 07/14/2009 07/14/2009 0 DIST-A E. COLI Present 0 Special 090707T1 Notice Special 2009-07-14
Notice - Special COLI6459 07/07/2009 07/14/2009 07/14/2009 0 DIST-A E. COLI Present 0 Special 090707T2 Notice Special 2009-07-14
Notice - Special COLI6459 07/07/2009 07/14/2009 07/14/2009 0 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Special 090707T1 Notice Special 2009-07-14
Notice - Special COLI6459 07/07/2009 07/14/2009 07/14/2009 0 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Special 090707T2 Notice Special 2009-07-14
NO3 CHEM3953 02/01/2010 02/17/2010 02/17/2010 0 EP-A NITRATE 6.8 5 10 MG/L 481751N-I Alert Chem NO30 2010-02-17
Notice - Source COLI7837 07/01/2010 07/06/2010 SRC-AA COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Assessment 491108 Notice Source 2010-07-06
NO3 CHEM5529 02/08/2011 09/21/2012 10/11/2012 20 EP-A NITRATE 7.8 5 10 MG/L 103900903-I Alert Chem NO30 2012-09-21
NO3 CHEM5309 03/05/2012 03/16/2012 03/16/2012 0 EP-A NITRATE 9.6 5 10 MG/L 206601003-I Alert Chem NO30 2012-03-16
NO3 CHEM5397 06/11/2012 06/20/2012 06/18/2012 -2 EP-A NITRATE 9.2 5 10 MG/L 216400801-I Alert Chem NO30 2012-06-20
TCR COLI10883 09/04/2012 09/06/2012 09/07/2012 1 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Routine 535266 Alert TCR0 2012-09-06
NO3 CHEM5513 09/04/2012 09/17/2012 10/11/2012 24 EP-A NITRATE 8 5 10 MG/L 224906202-I Alert Chem NO30 2012-09-17
Notice - Source COLI10901 09/09/2012 09/11/2012 SRC-AA COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Triggered 535404 Notice Source 2012-09-11
NO3 CHEM5698 02/13/2013 02/21/2013 02/21/2013 0 EP-A NITRATE 10 5 10 MG/L 304501001-I Alert Chem CMCL NO30 2013-02-21
NO3 CHEM5769 05/06/2013 05/10/2013 05/09/2013 -1 EP-A NITRATE 10.4 5 10 MG/L 312801701-I Alert Chem CMCL NO30 2013-05-10
TCR COLI11915 08/02/2013 08/05/2013 08/06/2013 1 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Routine 130802C1 Alert TCR0 2013-08-05
NO3 CHEM5964 08/02/2013 09/25/2013 09/10/2013 -15 EP-A NITRATE 8.77 5 10 MG/L 130809038003-I Alert Chem NO30 2013-09-25
NO3 CHEM6223 03/06/2014 03/06/2014 03/06/2014 0 EP-A NITRATE 11.7 5 10 MG/L 10999-I Alert Chem CMCL NO30 2014-03-06
NO3 CHEM6252 03/28/2014 03/28/2014 03/31/2014 3 EP-A NITRATE 10.9 5 10 MG/L 1054-I Alert Chem CMCL NO30 2014-03-28
NO3 CHEM6317 06/11/2014 06/11/2014 EP-A NITRATE 10.5 5 10 MG/L 1247-I Alert Chem CMCL NO30 2014-06-11
NO3 CHEM6474 09/09/2014 10/15/2014 09/11/2014 -34 EP-A NITRATE 7.72 5 10 MG/L 1512B-I Alert Chem NO30 2014-10-15
TCR COLI13549 11/05/2014 11/07/2014 11/07/2014 0 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Routine 1686 Alert TCR0 2014-11-07
TCR COLI13560 11/07/2014 11/10/2014 11/10/2014 0 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Repeat 1693 Alert TCR0 2014-11-10
TCR COLI13560 11/07/2014 11/10/2014 11/10/2014 0 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Repeat 1694 Alert TCR0 2014-11-10
TCR COLI13560 11/07/2014 11/10/2014 11/10/2014 0 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Repeat 1695 Alert TCR0 2014-11-10
TCR COLI13560 11/07/2014 11/10/2014 11/10/2014 0 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Repeat 1696 Alert TCR0 2014-11-10
TCR COLI13693 12/09/2014 12/11/2014 12/12/2014 1 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Routine 1746 Alert TCR0 2014-12-11
TCR COLI13741 12/15/2014 12/17/2014 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Repeat 1768 Alert TCR0 2014-12-17
NO3 CHEM6595 01/09/2015 01/09/2015 EP-A NITRATE 10.2 5 10 MG/L 1792-I Alert Chem CMCL NO30 2015-01-09
NO3 CHEM6676 04/01/2015 04/02/2015 04/02/2015 0 EP-A NITRATE 10.8 5 10 MG/L 1988-I Alert Chem CMCL NO30 2015-04-02
NO3 CHEM6752 07/08/2015 07/09/2015 07/10/2015 1 EP-A NITRATE 10.5 5 10 MG/L 2347B-I Alert Chem CMCL NO30 2015-07-09
NO3 CHEM6862 09/08/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 0 EP-A NITRATE 9.36 5 10 MG/L 2635B-I Alert Chem NO30 2015-09-10
NO3 CHEM7078 10/06/2015 03/17/2016 03/17/2016 0 EP-A NITRATE 9.96 5 10 MG/L 2744B-I Alert Chem NO30 2016-03-17
NO3 CHEM7045 02/02/2016 02/08/2016 02/08/2016 0 EP-A NITRATE 14 5 10 MG/L 2969B-I Alert Chem CMCL NO30 2016-02-08
NO3 CHEM7097 03/31/2016 04/04/2016 04/01/2016 -3 EP-A NITRATE 12.7 5 10 MG/L 3098B-I Alert Chem CMCL NO30 2016-04-04
TCR COLI15572 06/08/2016 06/10/2016 06/10/2016 0 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Routine 3421 Alert TCR0 2016-06-10
Notice - Source COLI15590 06/13/2016 06/15/2016 SRC-AA COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Triggered 3448 Notice Source 2016-06-15
NO3 CHEM7197 07/06/2016 07/06/2016 EP-A NITRATE 11.6 5 10 MG/L 35557A-I Alert Chem CMCL NO30 2016-07-06
TCR COLI16467 01/04/2017 01/05/2017 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Routine 4166 Alert TCR0 2017-01-05
TCR COLI16475 01/05/2017 01/09/2017 01/05/2017 -4 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Repeat 4176 Alert TCR0 2017-01-09
TCR COLI16475 01/05/2017 01/09/2017 01/05/2017 -4 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Repeat 4177 Alert TCR0 2017-01-09
TCR COLI16475 01/05/2017 01/09/2017 01/05/2017 -4 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Repeat 4178 Alert TCR0 2017-01-09
Notice - Source COLI16475 01/05/2017 01/09/2017 01/05/2017 -4 SRC-AA COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Triggered 4179 Notice Source 2017-01-09
NO3 CHEM7497 02/06/2017 02/08/2017 EP-A NITRATE 12.6 5 10 MG/L 4242-I Alert Chem CMCL NO30 2017-02-08
NO3 CHEM7650 07/27/2017 08/14/2017 EP-A NITRATE 7.14 5 10 MG/L 5101-I Alert Chem NO30 2017-08-14
NO3 CHEM7675 07/27/2017 08/29/2017 EP-A NITRATE 6.4 5 10 MG/L 63007-I Alert Chem NO30 2017-08-29
NO3 CHEM7873 02/08/2018 02/23/2018 02/26/2018 3 EP-A NITRATE 5.78 5 10 MG/L 5757-I Alert Chem NO30 2018-02-23
NO3 CHEM8116 09/24/2018 10/12/2018 EP-A NITRATE 5.53 5 10 MG/L 6769-I Alert Chem NO30 2018-10-12
TCR COLI18906 06/06/2019 06/07/2019 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Routine 907318 Alert TCR0 2019-06-07
TCR COLI19204 06/10/2019 08/29/2019 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Repeat BM64946 Alert TCR0 2019-08-29
TCR COLI19408 10/08/2019 10/10/2019 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Routine 191009701 Alert TCR0 2019-10-10
TCR COLI19434 10/15/2019 10/17/2019 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Repeat 191018901 Alert TCR0 2019-10-17
TCR COLI19434 10/15/2019 10/17/2019 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Repeat 191018902 Alert TCR0 2019-10-17
TCR COLI19434 10/15/2019 10/17/2019 DIST-A COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Repeat 191018903 Alert TCR0 2019-10-17
Notice - Source COLI19434 10/15/2019 10/17/2019 SRC-AA COLIFORM (TCR) Present Present Triggered 191019002 Notice Source 2019-10-17
Notice - Sodium CHEM8863 02/05/2020 02/28/2020 EP-A SODIUM 107 20 MG/L 2009549-I Notice Sodium 2020-02-28
NO3 CHEM9308 04/26/2021 05/04/2021 EP-A NITRATE 5.06 5 10 MG/L 210435301-I Alert Chem NO30 2021-05-04
NO3 CHEM9396 07/08/2021 07/23/2021 EP-A NITRATE 5.37 5 10 MG/L 210711201-I Alert Chem NO30 2021-07-23
NO3 CHEM9725 04/25/2022 05/04/2022 EP-A NITRATE 5.54 5 10 MG/L 220436801-I Alert Chem NO30 2022-05-04

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4232
System Info  ::  Report for Lenders  ::  Alerts  ::  Violations  ::  Compliance & Enforcement  ::  Contacts & Advisories  ::  Site Visits  ::  Public Notice
Coliform Summary  ::  Coliform Results  ::  Coliform Schedules  ::  LT2  ::  GW/GWUDI Source Details  ::  Plan Review  ::  Annual Fee
Chemical Summary  ::  Chemical Results  ::  Chemical Schedules  ::  Chemical Schedule Summary  ::  Arsenic RAA  ::  Cyanotoxins  ::  PFAS
Lead & Copper  ::  DBP Sample Sites  ::  FANLs  ::  MRDL  ::  GWR 4-Log  ::  Turbidity  ::  SWTR  ::  LRAA  ::  DW Source Protection

Information for all water systems:
Water System Inventory  ::  Water System Surveys  ::  Outstanding Performers  ::  Treatment Plant Inspections  ::  Treatment  ::  Plan Reviews
Alerts  ::  Violations  ::  Compliance & Enforcement  ::  Deficiencies  ::  System Scores  ::  Exceedances  ::  Public Notices  ::  Service Lines
Water Advisories  ::  Contact Reports  ::  Cyanotoxins  ::  PFAS  ::  Post-wildfire VOCs  ::  Fluoride  ::  Certification List  ::  DW Source Protection

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