OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00922
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jeff Burch (503) 429-6921
Contact Date: 02/06/2008
Contacted By: HOFELD, EVAN (REGION 1)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: Lead Action Level Exceedance DETAILS: I asked Jeff Burch about the lead action level exceedance in July 2007 and he said that he had been meaning to take more samples, but never got around to it. He said it was the same group of homes that had high results before. He said that the pH in the system was above the minimum pH set for the system. I asked him if the sample could have been unrepresentative (e.g. taken from an unused faucet). It was a possibility but could not be proven. I told him to take two 6-month rounds of 20 lead and copper tap samples in 2008, with the first round taken asap and the second round being taken in July. Jeff said he would take samples next week. ACTION NEEDED: System to take two 6-month rounds of 20 lead and copper tap samples in 2008.
Associated Alerts: CHEM2675 - 10/25/2007 - LEAD SUMMARY

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3998
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