OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05114
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Kathy McMullen (503) 397-1744
Contact Date: 04/19/2012
Contacted By: DANIELS, BRAD (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: ENFORCEMENT
Reasons: SOCs
Details: SUMMARY: Discussed sampling requirements and system ownership DETAILS: I called Kathy McMullen to discuss the delinquent sampling requirements for the SOC/VOC chemical groups. We also talked about the ownership of the water system, and the relationship between the McMullens and the homeowners at Deer Island Heights. According to Kathy, they (the McMullens) dont own any infrastructure or property in the Deer Island Heights subdivision. They use easements to access the well, water storage, meters, etc. The McMullens bill property owners directly for water service, but dont know of a homeowners association or anything similar. The Columbia County Clerk has documents showing the existence of the Canaan Road Water Service District, which existed in 1996, and was the product of Marlon J. Miles, who sold the water system to the McMullens. I told Kathy that even though payments are being made towards the Programs previous civil penalty, the water system is still failing to meet sampling requirements. I stated that in this situation, the Programs only recourse will be to assess more civil penalties because nothing else has seemed to work. She said they definitely dont want to pay additional penalties, and she stated that she would have someone collect the samples next week. She said the samples will be sent to Edge Analytical for analysis. I asked her to call me when the samples have been submitted to the laboratory. She said she would. ACTION NEEDED: Await submission of water samples to laboratory.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 172
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