OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 91667
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Pam Peck
Contact Date: 11/08/2013
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Well #1 low water DETAILS: Pam Peck from headstart called to let me know that Well #1 had run dry on Wednesday, 11/6/13, so the kids were sent home early. On Thursday she was told that they switched to their backup Well #2 and that they could use the water for hand washing, and bathrooms. Bottled water was supplied. Then well was re-filled, Pam did not know where the water had come from, but that Dave Goetz said they could use it today. Until I could reach Dave I told Pam they needed to use bottled water for cooking and drinking. I was finally was able to make contact with Dave later in the morning and he said they didnt re-fill the well. He said he wasnt sure why but it seems to happen during this time of year that the water pressure goes down and they dont have enough water available. He said he did not fill the well with any other water. I explained that when they switch to the backup well for short term, they need to take a coliform and Nitrate sample. Well logs are not available for either well. I recommended they contact an outside system to come in and find out what is going on with Well #1 and to try and determine the depth of the wells. ACTION NEEDED: none

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