OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05581
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jim Lea (541) 347-5111
Contact Date: 06/24/2016
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: ENFORCEMENT
Reasons: SWTR
Details: SUMMARY: update on next steps DETAILS: Since the recent water outage, several concerned residents have begun meeting once a week to get moving on solutions to their water system problems. Jim said they are taking a two-pronged approach: getting bids from well drillers, and communicating with Hyland Water and HBH about installing a contact pipe (after their storage tanks) and only using that pipe for disinfection. One drawback to the latter solution is that they are not producing more than 9 gpm across their existing membranes, which is not really enough production for the number of people they have. Hyland suggested adding more membranes for that reason. Meanwhile, Jim asked how to deal with the upcoming tracer study deadline of August 31. If they will no longer be using the current configuration, it may not make much sense to run a study now. Some options they are considering (a well) would not require a tracer study at all. However, researching these options and making decisions may take some months, while they continue to use the current configuration. They also have already run through the original timeline for the enforcement actions plus an extension without making much progress. ACTION NEEDED: Will discuss tracer study deadline with enforcement staff.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3923
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