OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05860
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Gean Oschner (503) 702-5823
Contact Date: 10/06/2017
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: unresolved Cu exceedance and alkalinity data DETAILS: Sent contact a letter re: unresolved copper exceedance in 2015. Contact reports at the time show the PWS was going to request an invalidation for two locations and re-submit other samples, but this never occurred during that monitoring period. Therefore, to return to compliance, they need to collect two consecutive 6-month rounds of lead and copper samples. We are also asking at this time that all systems who use soda ash for corrosion control collect treated water alkalinity data during their next lead and copper monitoring, in order to set a minimum alkalinity. So I included information about that in this letter. Their next lead and copper monitoring periods will be Jan-June 2018 and July-Dec 2018. They will need to collect 2 sets of alkalinity data during those periods, one during the week of lead and copper sampling, and one approximately two weeks before or after. The alkalinity will need to be sampled at the entry point and at least two place in the distribution during each of those weeks. ACTION NEEDED: Notified DMCE of change to 6-month lead and copper sampling schedule. Sent copy of letter to Kent Downs of Curry County and will discuss with him next week.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2082
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