OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Reports
Contact Reports
DateAgent Agency Assistance Type Comments
02/12/2018 DOWNS, KENT CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: CU Action Level E...
11/30/2017 DOWNS, KENT CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryLead or Copper, None: SUMMARY: Lead ^ Copper Sa...
10/06/2017 PARRY, BETSY REGION 2 Other RegulatoryLead or Copper, None: SUMMARY: unresolved Cu ex...
10/06/2016 HODGES, BRODY CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Coliform Positive DETA...
05/05/2016 HODGES, BRODY CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Water Sample DETAILS: Spoke...
07/16/2015 HODGES, BRODY CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: Roxy and I spoke ...
07/16/2015 HODGES, BRODY CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Roxy and I spoke about the l...
09/12/2014 HODGES, BRODY CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Spoke to Roxy about the syst...
09/10/2014 HODGES, BRODY CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Spoke to Roxy Long about tak...
08/12/2014 HODGES, BRODY CURRY COUNTY Violation ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: : Roxy wanted to know h...
08/05/2014 HODGES, BRODY CURRY COUNTY Violation ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Roxy Long called to inf...
05/08/2014 HODGES, BRODY CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Roxy called me back and we t...
05/08/2014 HODGES, BRODY CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: I received a call from ...
05/08/2014 HODGES, BRODY CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Roxy called me back and...
05/05/2014 HODGES, BRODY CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Left a message to call me to...
02/27/2014 HODGES, BRODY CURRY COUNTY Violation ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: received a yellow card ...
09/18/2012 HENRY, ROBERT DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: SDWRLF Letter of Interest D...
08/24/2012 HENRY, ROBERT DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Funding Assistance DETAILS:...
08/10/2012 GIEL, ALEX_ CLACKAMAS COUNTY Violation ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: Lead and copper ...
07/31/2012 HENRY, ROBERT DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: SRF Funding Assistance DETA...
06/15/2012 HENRY, ROBERT DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Funding Assistance DETAILS:...
12/14/2011 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Violation ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: lead and copper t...
08/17/2010 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: Lead & copper...
08/17/2010 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: Alert Investigati...
02/26/2010 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Violation ResponseNitrate, N/A: SUMMARY: Nitrate violation DETAI...
12/17/2009 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Violation ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Violation response DET...
09/22/2009 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: Lead and copper v...
09/16/2009 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: Lead and copper ...
11/22/2008 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Positive coliform DETA...
11/20/2008 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Positive coliform DETA...
11/14/2008 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Positive coliform DETA...
11/14/2008 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Alert investigation col...
11/13/2008 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Positive coliform DETA...
11/13/2008 HOFELD, EVAN REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, Coliform: SUMMARY: E.Coli postive rou...
03/19/2008 NICHOLSON, DARIN DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Water Pressure issue within ...
06/28/2007 KELLEY, KAREN DWP Other RegulatoryOther, N/A: SUMMARY: Small Water System Trainin...
03/19/2007 STRASSNER, BOB DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Systems lacking cross connec...
02/08/2007 STRASSNER, BOB DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Cross connection enabling au...
01/29/2007 STRASSNER, BOB DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Cross Connection Enabling Au...
12/06/2006 STRASSNER, BOB DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Cross Connection Enabling Au...
11/17/2006 CURRY, SCOTT DWP Water Quality ComplaintOperations, N/A: SUMMARY: Visited system, inspe...
08/01/2005 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Phone call visit to discuss ...
03/01/2005 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A:
06/21/2004 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: cert
06/21/2004 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A:
06/21/2004 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: Lead/Copper
05/28/2004 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Violation ResponseOperations, N/A: SUMMARY: Operations
09/30/2002 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: M MESZAROS from the county c...
04/04/2002 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL L & C DE...
10/22/2001 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: M MESZAROS from the county c...
08/27/2001 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Survey/Deficiency Follow-upN/A, N/A: DETAILS: MIKE MESZAROS from the count...
07/03/2001 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: M ME...
06/26/2001 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: M MESZAROS from the county c...
06/26/2001 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: M MESZAROS from the state co...
06/05/2001 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: M ME...
06/03/2001 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: M ME...
10/27/2000 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL L & C DE...
10/12/2000 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL L & C DE...
09/11/2000 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL L & C DE...
09/05/2000 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL L & C DE...
08/02/2000 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: M MESZAROS from the county c...
08/02/2000 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL L & C DE...
12/15/1999 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL L & C DE...
12/07/1999 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL L & C DE...
12/06/1999 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL L & C DE...
10/25/1999 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL L & C DE...
07/26/1999 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL L & C DE...
06/10/1999 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: MESZAROS from the county com...
05/24/1999 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: MESZAROS from the county com...
05/20/1999 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: MESZAROS from the county com...
11/06/1998 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: M. MESZAROS from the county ...
10/13/1994 WAYBRIGHT, BONNIE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: M/R COLI DETAILS: BONN...
08/06/1994 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: M MESZAROS from the county c...
06/20/1994 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Plan ReviewN/A, N/A: DETAILS: TOM CHARBONNEAU from the sta...
05/16/1994 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: MIKE MESZAROS from the count...
05/11/1994 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: M MESZAROS from the county c...
11/10/1993 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Plan ReviewN/A, N/A: DETAILS: TOM CHARBONNEAU from the sta...
08/31/1993 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: MIKE MESZAROS from the count...
08/31/1993 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Survey/Deficiency Follow-upN/A, N/A: DETAILS: MIKE MESZAROS from the count...
08/26/1993 MESZAROS, MIKE CURRY COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: MIKE MESZAROS from the count...
08/13/1993 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: TOM CHARBONNEAU from the sta...

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2082
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