OHA Drinking Water Services
LT2 Sampling
Excel Spreadsheet
  • SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION):  Sample E. coli once every 2 weeks on the schedule dates shown below.

  • LT2 Schedules & Results
    Facility Date
    Cryptosporidium E. coli
    (MPN/100 mL)
    10/03/2017 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 10/03/2017 11 10/05/2017
    10/17/2017 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 10/17/2017 14 10/19/2017
    10/31/2017 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 10/31/2017 0 11/03/2017
    11/14/2017 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 11/14/2017 0 11/21/2017
    11/28/2017 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 11/29/2017 0 12/01/2017
    12/12/2017 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 12/12/2017 0 12/15/2017
    12/26/2017 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 12/27/2017 0 12/29/2017
    01/09/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 01/09/2018 0 01/12/2018
    01/23/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 01/23/2018 0 01/26/2018
    02/06/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 02/06/2018 0 02/09/2018
    02/20/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 02/20/2018 0 02/26/2018
    03/06/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 03/06/2018 0 03/09/2018
    03/20/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 03/20/2018 0 03/23/2018
    04/03/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 04/03/2018 0 04/06/2018
    04/17/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 04/17/2018 0 04/20/2018
    05/01/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 05/01/2018 0 05/04/2018
    05/15/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 05/15/2018 3 05/18/2018
    05/29/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 05/29/2018 3 05/31/2018
    06/12/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 06/12/2018 5 06/15/2018
    06/26/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 06/26/2018 3 06/28/2018
    07/10/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 07/10/2018 0 07/13/2018
    07/24/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 07/24/2018 0 07/26/2018
    08/07/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 08/07/2018 1 08/09/2018
    08/21/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 08/21/2018 0 08/24/2018
    09/04/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 09/04/2018 1 09/07/2018
    09/18/2018 SRC-AA - CALAPOOIA RIVER (INFILTRATION) 09/18/2018 0 09/20/2018

    More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3254
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    Chemical Summary  ::  Chemical Results  ::  Chemical Schedules  ::  Chemical Schedule Summary  ::  Arsenic RAA  ::  Cyanotoxins  ::  PFAS
    Lead & Copper  ::  DBP Sample Sites  ::  FANLs  ::  MRDL  ::  GWR 4-Log  ::  Turbidity  ::  SWTR  ::  LRAA
    Corrosion Control has moved to the Lead & Copper page.

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