OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details |
PWS ID: | OR41 00657 | ||
Who Was Contacted and Phone: | Dan Carr | ||
Contact Date: | 10/24/2006 | ||
Contacted By: | SALIS, KARI (DWP) | ||
Contact Method/Location: | Office | ||
Assistance Type: | WATER QUALITY COMPLAINT | ||
Reasons: | Coliform VOCs |
Details: | SUMMARY: complaint about environmental hazards at marina #1 DETAILS: Dan submitted a complaint about the Harbor 1 marina on Marine Drive on the Columbia River. He stated that he thinks he contracted Hepatitis C from the drinking water, and he is also concerned about sewage and some paint and solvents from working on the boats seeping into the water because of leaky pipes. The marina is a customer of the Portland Water Bureau, with a meter at the service connection. The taps throughout the marina are unmetered and water is paid for as part of the rent. Chris Hughes decided that coliform samples should be taken at the marina. I met Dan at the marina. I collected coliform samples and chlorine residuals at the following sites: the clubhouse (0.9 ppm total / 0.9ppm free), last hose bib on Row E (0.7 ppm total, 0.5 ppm free), and Row D43 (0.8 ppm total, 0.2 ppm free). The chlorine residual was pretty good, though it was interesting to note that quite a bit of free chlorine was lost in a relatively short distance. I explained to Dan how the presence of chlorine would likely inactivate any waterborne disease, given enough contact time. Continued…… ACTION NEEDED: see contact report #2 |