OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00657
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Dan Carr
Contact Date: 10/24/2006
Contacted By: SALIS, KARI (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Complaint about environmental hazards at marina #2 DETAILS: continued….I tried to stick to the subject of drinking water, and explained that DEQ had responsibility over other matters such as contaminants spilling into the river. I brought the 3 samples I collected into the Public Health Lab. I returned to my office and received a voicemail that the samples could not be analyzed, because my sample bottles lacked a certain sticker that all samples are now supposed to have. Without the sticker (that I would have labeled with the sample location), the lab staff was unable to match up the actual sample with the appropriate lab slip. Apparently they have mixed up the slips and bottles before realizing the sticker was missing. I asked them to analyze the samples anyway, but Dawn said that they have a policy stating that they cannot analyze samples from an unknown location. I talked to Pete to see if he could go out to the marina that afternoon, and Pete contacted Dan, who said he could not do it that afternoon. Since Pete and I were both out the next day, no repeat sampling occurred. The PWB (Yone Akagi) was contacted regarding this situation on October 31, 2006. ACTION NEEDED: Dan Carr can only be contacted through Jeri Williams at the Environmental Justice Action Group, 503-283-6397.

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