OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00657
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Curt Ireland (503) 823-7598
Contact Date: 06/04/2007
Contacted By: SALIS, KARI (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Raw water coliform sampling DETAILS: Curt called to let us know that they did not collect 5 raw water coliform samples last week. Due to the holiday being on a Monday, they were planning to sample from Tuesday through Saturday. A sample was taken on Saturday, and left for the lab person to pick up, but that person forgot to pick it up. This was discovered on Monday. I asked Curt to get me the past coliform data, and it was all TC- and one FC+. Again, this is raw water data. I told him it was ok, but since they have had other incidents like this before (if a sample was invalidated, for example),they need to firm up their protocol for ensuring that 5 samples are taken per week. He said they would send out reminders more frequently to the people involved in the testing. Also, he mentioned that EPA has approved another method for coliform testing, the QuantiTray method. He said it is a lot easier and is hoping the Headworks staff can become certified to run the tests themselves. I thought that was a good idea but hed have to run it through our lab certification process. I told him we would not issue a violation for this sort of thing, but may consider it in the future if it in an on-going problem.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3900
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