OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details |
PWS ID: | OR41 00657 | ||
Who Was Contacted and Phone: | Pat Easley and others | ||
Contact Date: | 01/30/2008 | ||
Contacted By: | SALIS, KARI (DWP) | ||
Contact Method/Location: | Office | ||
Reasons: | IOCs None |
Details: | SUMMARY: CR#2: Mercury spill in well #14 DETAILS: Much of the mercury appears to have bound to the oil and is in a sludge layer at the top of the water level. They also sampled the water column beneath the oil layer and got a mercury result of 18.9 ppb (MCL = 2 ppb). Some other hydrocarbons were also found in the water. In theory the mercury will eventually sink to the bottom of the well and settle in the sediment.It will take a minimum of 9 months to get a new pump installed. In the meantime, the plan agreed upon by PWB and DEQ is to first remove the oil and mercury sludge layer with a vacuum and swab the sides of the casing. They will then take another water sample from inside the well. They plan to TV the well all the way to the bottom. Oftentimes mercury droplets can be seen this way, and they can look for evidence of mercury in the sediment at the bottom. Then they will excavate the soil at the bottom of the well. The bailer method and Vactor (?) suction methods were discussed, to try to reduce the amount of mercury that is disturbed in the process. This sediment will be sampled for mercury levels. They will then seal off the bottom sediment with bentonite or cement. Once a new pump is installed, they will purge several well volumes to waste and try testing that water with a Hach field test kit, but also send samples in to the lab. They will also surge the well to try to get any mercury that may be sticking to the sides or screens. The concrete and other contaminated surfaces will be encapsulated. Continue on CR#3… ACTION NEEDED: see contact report #3 |