OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00657
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Yone Akagi (503) 823-7648
Contact Date: 05/07/2008
Contacted By: SALIS, KARI (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: VOCs
Details: SUMMARY: Paint in reservoir 6 DETAILS: Yone emailed to let us know that they had found a 2-gallon paint can and an orange construction barricade on the "live" side of open reservoir #6, the north side. There was some time delay from when the incident occurred, when it was discovered, and when Res 6 was taken off line. Water from that reservoir feeds much of SE portland. They are draining each side of the reservoir, and will begin filling the south side this weekend. They are also reviewing security tapes to find out who did this and exactly when. The night of the 7th VOC and metals samples were taken in the Res 6 service area. Preliminary results showed detects of 1,4-dichlorobenzene (regulated), and 1,3-dichlorobenzene (unregulated per PWB). The transfer blank also had detects though, so they will have to resample. They also tested for metals and found hits of titanium, vanadium, magnesium, strontium, and barium (regulated, 2.91 ppb, MCL = 2 ppm), cobalt, and nickel (0.3 ppb, MCL of 0.1 ppm in dispute). They are assuming at this point that these detects are from the paint, though they will do more testing, including a control sample to see if metals are found in water that didnt go through Res 6. They will work with Mult Co Health officer to develop their public message, but in general the message is that this is an unfortunate incident, but levels are low, and exposure is very short term, thus no health effects. ACTION NEEDED: Yone will continue to keep us in the loop. Tony may meet with PWB to discuss security issues.
Associated Alerts: n/a - -

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