OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00657
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Yone Akagi (503) 823-7648
Contact Date: 11/13/2008
Contacted By: SALIS, KARI (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: SWTR
Details: SUMMARY: High turbidity in Bull Run DETAILS: Yone called today to say that the turbidity at Headwords had increased to over 4 NTU last night and this morning. They will be switching over to the Wellfield by noonish today and shutting off Bull Run. There is one section of the system, off the Lusted supply line, that cannot be served by the wellfield at this time due to construction on Conduit 2. They are implementing emergency repairs to get conduit 2 back in service, but in the mean time Bull Run water is their only option. Since there is <5 NTU water in the pipeline, they may be able to just run off that, which may be enough for the couple days it will take to get the conduit back on-line. Or, if needed, we agreed that it would be ok for them to use the high turbidity Bull Run water to push water through the lines to those customers. They would check the turbidity at Lusted to make sure none of the "bad" water mixed in with the good water. Yone agreed to keep records if this is done, including turbidity at each location. It is likely that the water flow will be too small for the chemical feed pumps at lusted to work, so they may not be able to add ammonia or caustic. The water will still be chlorinated at headworks, with CTs met in the transmission line. They will try to add the caustic manually. Otherwise, they may get some corrosion control excursions, if the pH of the water served drops below 7.2. Also, we talked about Well #14, where the mercury was spilled a year or so ago. In September the mercury was ND, but they had coliform problems, so the well was shocked and resampled 9/25. I told Yone that we need another bacti sample to be taken before approving the well for use into the system. She will have one collected today, results should be in late Friday 11/14. ACTION NEEDED: Yone will keep us in the loop as to what is happening.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3900
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