OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00657
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Scott Bradway (503) 823-1951
Contact Date: 06/16/2011
Contacted By: SALIS, KARI (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: WQ incident at Mt Tabor open reservoir DETAILS: I saw an article in the Oregonian today regarding an incident in which a man was discovered urinating in one of the open reservoirs at Mt. Tabor early Wednesday morning. PWB decided to drain the reservoir as a precaution. Though the media did not report this, PWB informed me that there were 4 other men, and they were seen throwing objects in the reservoir. Neither the police nor security thought to ask what was thrown in there, so out of prudence PWB decided to drain the reservoir. Chris Wanner (operations manager) was also quoted in the article saying that animal urine, feces, and dead animals are part of having open reservoirs. I asked for clarification on how frequently they find dead animals in the reservoirs, and what correction action was generally done. PWB stated it is rare to find dead animals in the reservoirs. Security crews monitor the reservoirs 24/7 and remove any object as soon as possible. Additional sampling is not regularly performed when a dead animal is found, but the reservoir outlets are sampled as part of every TCR sampling route 4 times per week. Their normal protocol includes that a TC positive results in a reservoir shutdown followed by further sampling and investigation. ACTION NEEDED: none

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