OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00657
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Ann Richter (503) 823-6135
Contact Date: 01/17/2012
Contacted By: SALIS, KARI (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: SWTR
Details: SUMMARY: Update on results DETAILS: I called Ann to find out which test results they have received. The water samples taken through 1/11 are all non-detect, though the Reservoir #1 sample cracked in transport so the lab was not able to analyze the sample. The lab in Texas that was going to genotype the oocyst samples was not able to do so. Also, they had sent the positive slides to a second lab for visual confirmation, but they were also unable to visually confirm, likely due to prolonged exposure to light. The original lab did have 3 analysts evaluate the slide, and they have called it a crypto detect. Ann also confirmed that though initial results may be termed "preliminary," that just means that it is an oral result and that the report is not complete, but the lab has confirmed the results in-house. She also said that the scat samplers went out on 1/11 and a dead hare was found near Cedar Creek, a tributary of South Fork Bull Run River. The hare was dissected and fecal samples were taken and sent to the lab. results may be back by the end of the week. In general, scat samples take about a week and water samples are being fast-tracked to take 2 days. ACTION NEEDED: Ann will send us a report where they have tracked turbidity, Ecoli, streamflow, and crypto detects at the end of the week.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3900
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