OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00657
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Marie Jennings, Yone Akagi
Contact Date: 11/21/2016
Contacted By: SALIS, KARI (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: Interim measure discussion DETAILS: Portland Water Bureau (PWB) (Yone Akagi, Gabe Solmer, Kim Gupta) requested a meeting with EPA Region 10 (Marie Jennings, Ricardi Duvil, Harold Rogers, Clark Thurmon, Peter Contreras, Cara Steiner-Riley) regarding the interim measures provided in an emailed document. Listening in from OHA were Jere High, Dave Leland, and Kari Salis. EPA Headquarters personnel (Maria Lopez, Eddie Vivieros, Mike Finn, Leslie Cronkite) also participated. PWB provided background on their water system and lack of any lead service lines or distribution components containing lead. The joint monitoring plan was briefly mentioned and EPA stated they need to have concurrence with any modifications to this plan. PWB also discussed that even with optimized corrosion control (currently believed to be a pH at 9 and alkalinity of 20), experts predicted that lead levels may still be close to the action level. EPAs suggested interim measures (document provided as attachment to appointment, labeled Draft) were discussed one by one. EPA suggests raising pH to 8.2, and EPA guidance recommends raising pH no more than 0.2 over 12 months. Nitrification control was discussed, as well as the challenges of considering adding treatment at PWBs 80-plus tanks and 180-plus pressure zones, and the water quality study they are close to concluding versus the corrosion control treatment review and pilot study. EPA made it clear they want Portland to act as quickly as possible and believe they can move faster than their current OHA-approved schedule, though details remained elusive of exactly where time can be saved. ACTION NEEDED: PWB to respond to OHAs 11/4 letter by 12/2.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3900
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